Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma was pretty bad…

There are times when a Company announces a anime or live action adaptation and my first response is:  “But Y tho?”  This was my first response for the announcement of a Dragon’s Dogma animated series. The game was fun and the world was interesting but the need for an expansion in the form of some…

Anime: the beginnings of a Mother Daughter Tradition

  This Mother’s day I want to take a moment to reminisce on how blessed I am for having an open minded mother. For somehow ending up as the friend who had the ‘cool mom’. And on how I became who I am and why. You can essentially fault my Mother and my Aunts for…

Are Videogames Art?| A personal Decision

  I just wanted to place my cards on the table where it comes to this “controversial” subject and as it relates to my channel and blog. The short answer is “Yes” Video games are a form of art to me. Now as far as why I think that … well that might take a…

Black Gamer girls?| A personal history and Vlog attempt…

    Black Girl Gamers? Well we’re here. This a is Vlog about me expressing my thoughts one the matter and a little bit of my history when it comes to video games and technology and how I became one. Sorry about my rambling. It’s just that for me the idea of Lady Gamer’s and…

Comfort and Calling

  I have decided that one cannot be completely comfortable when following one’s calling. Some of the most interesting things in life is figuring out that you settled or possibly are presently in the process of settling. Often life will give you a nasty jolt to try and put you back into line. Or at…

Cinema Thoughts: Black Panther and The Black male and female dynamic

I love Marvel’s Black Panther movie and there are many reviews to be had out there about it, made by many much more qualified people than I.  However I do have something to say.  While I could wax poetic on the costume designs (Ruth Carter you out did yourself), color theories, the drool worthy soundtrack…

The music life of a Geek

This one is a bit rambly but mainly because I allowed myself the luxury of completely nerding out a bit and and aside from spelling errors or things that make NO sense have allowed the product to remain unedited. You have been warned.    So I love music and I really appreciate it when a…


I Recently I had the pleasure of attempting to explain one of my favorite survival games to a family member. “Hey, what are you playing?” “Don’t Starve.” “Oh. So…what’s the point of the game?” “To…not starve…” “But like the goal. “Uh…that is the goal.” But they didn’t seem to quite understand and it was a…