Day 29 – Favorite school uniform

  I was always one of those kids who actually wanted to wear school uniforms. I never had to wear one but as a person who has *never* liked mornings the idea of having a ready, made plan of what to wear on five mornings out of the week was immensely appealing. The only downside…

Day 28 – Favorite pokemon

While I was certainly a child that played Pokemon I was not one that did so at every incarnation. So to choose a favorite is rather simple for me and predictable. But for all of that I have no shame:   EEVEE. Specifically, because it is a jack of all trades and there is a…

Day 27 – Favorite anime ending theme song

I’m honestly not sure if you have a full on favorite ending theme song. Lately, most animals have had ending songs that fell like throwaway. So I’d have to reach back a bit I think. Probably I’d have to choose the 1st Ending of Tenchi Muyo! (OVA). “Talent for Love” Mainly because It’s so rare…

Day 20 – Favorite anime of characters attending high school

Few anime, in my humble opinion, actually capture the simplistic and questionable awe of one’s High School Career as Azumanga Daioh! The series humor is crazy, but not over the top and sometimes silly. But when I was in High school, our humor often swung to one of these two extremes. The more subtle humor are…

Day 14 – current (or most recent) anime wallpaper

Because I love smart well executed parodies of  my favorite series: Big O, Megaduse of hope…  There is also the added perk of not being too bright. I love  my  dark backgrounds… The Film Noir series  influence aside…  “Cast in the name of God,  Ye Not Guilty.”

Day 12: Anime you’ve Re-watched the Most (And mini Showbox review)

I have been recently tossing about the idea of making the transition to vlogging on occasion since, when it comes to game reviews it’s sometimes hard to express what I’m trying to say with simply words. So I’ve been plunking around the web looking for video editors when I stumbled on to this gem. It’s called…

Day 9: Saddest Anime Scene Ever

I have accepted the fact that I am a treasure trove of information (some obscure, some not) and often at any given time the information is there and carefully adding and crafting what I see into a deeper (or desperately seeking a deeper or at least well thought out) meaning. A.K.A a nerd. This makes…

Day 5: Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)?

Ok so this may seem very weird but I do think I am very similar to two characters in particular from anime. Hibuki Washu (From the Tenchi Muyo! OVAs) and Kohina Ichimatsu (from Gugure! Kokkuri-san). Washu Habuki  The eccentric inventor of the series and surprising mother hen when sometimes least expected. She’s got a good…

Day 4: Anime you’re ashamed you enjoyed

Ok so, when I was in High School I had a habit of buying any anime who’s art was cool to look at or costumes where fun. Unfortunately this spawned a collection of anime that I regretted buying. My anime craze was not nearly as refnied as it is now. But there was one in…